The Functor Family: Bifunctor

Jan 02, 2020

This post assumes prior knowledge of - the Functor class / concept - the functor instance for Either a, (,) a - basic kind knowledge, e.g. the difference between * -> * and * -> * -> *


In Haskell, functors can only be defined for types of kind * -> * like Maybe a or [a]. Their instances allow us to use fmap (or <$>) to go from Maybe a to Maybe b using some a -> b, like:

λ> show <$> Just 1
Just "1"

λ> show <$> Nothing

λ> show <$> [1, 2, 3]
["1", "2", "3"]

λ> show <$> []

We can even define functor instances for higher kinded types, as long as we fix type arguments until we get to * -> *. For example, Either has kind * -> * -> *, but Either e has kind * -> *. So that means that we can have a functor instance for Either e, given some type e. This might sound confusing at first, but all it means is that the e cannot vary, so we can go from Either e a to Either e b using some a -> b, but we cannot go from Either e1 a to Either e2 a or Either e2 b even if we had both a -> b and e1 -> e2. How would we even pass two functions to fmap?

λ> show <$> Right 1
Right "1"

λ> show <$> Left True
Left True

In the first example, we go from Either a Int to Either a String using show :: Int -> String. In the second example, we go from Either Bool a to Either Bool String, where a needs to have a Show instance.

But what if we want to go from Either a x to Either b x, given some a -> b?

Let's see how we could implement it ourselves:

mapLeft :: (a -> b) -> Either a x -> Either b x
mapLeft f (Left a) = Left (f a)
mapLeft _ r        = r

Since we are trying to map the Left, the interesting bit is for that constructor: we apply f under Left. Otherwise, we just leave the value as-is; a Right value of type x (we could have written mapLeft _ (Right x) = Right x and it would work the same).

Here's a few warm-up exercises. The first uses typed holes to guide you and clarify what's meant by "using either". The last exercise can be a bit tricky. Look up what Const is and use typed holes.

Exercise 1: re-implement mapLeft' using either:

mapLeft' :: (a -> b) -> Either a x -> Either b x
mapLeft' f e = either _leftCase _rightCase e

Exercise 2: implement mapFirst:

mapFirst :: (a -> b) -> (a, x) -> (b, x)

Exercise 3: implement remapConst:

import Data.Functor.Const (Const(..))

remapConst :: (a -> b) -> Const a x -> Const b x


While we can implement mapLeft, mapFirst, and remapConst manually, there is a pattern: some types of kind * -> * -> * allow both their type arguments to be mapped like a Functor, so we can define a new class:

class Bifunctor p where
  {-# MINIMAL bimap | first, second #-}
  bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
  first :: (a -> b) -> p a c -> p b c
  second :: (b -> c) -> p a b -> p a c

bimap takes two functions and is able to map both arguments in a type of kind * -> * -> *. first is a lot like the functions we just defined manually. second is always the same thing as fmap. This class exists in base, under Data.Bifunctor.

Exercise 4: implement bimap in terms of first and second.

Exercise 5: implement first and second in terms of bimap.

Exercise 6: implement the Bifunctor instance for Either:

instance Bifunctor Either where
  bimap f _ (Left a)  = _leftCase
  bimap _ g (Right b) = _rightCase

Exercise 7: Implement the Bifunctor instance for tuples (a, b).

Exercise 8: Implement the Bifunctor instance for Const.

Exercise 9: Implement the Bifunctor instance for (a, b, c).

Exercise 10: Find an example of a type with kind * -> * -> * that cannot have a Bifunctor instance.

Exercise 11: Find an example of a type with kind * -> * -> * which has a Functor instance when you fix one type argument, but can't have a Bifunctor instance.

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